Welcome to my blog!
This blog has been set up as a part of the course I am doing, Participation in Occupation.
This blog, and everything bloggy is completely new to me! It may be a challenge...it may not get any further than this message right here! But, a go will be given, so...enjoy!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Assistive Technology

According to Cook and Hussey (2000), assistive technology refes to a broad range of devices, services, strategies and practices that are formed and applied to improve the problems face by individuals who have a disability.

One piece of assistive technology that was introduced in the assistive technology tutorial was a switch. Switches range in a variety of sizes, shapes, colours and cost. The function of a switch is to enable somebody who lacks fine motor skills to make choices and operate something.

A switch increases functional capacity for the user as it allows them to participate. For example, a child in a classroom who is unable to use a computer mouse to do a lack of fine motor skills, may use a large switch in order to operate the programme they are trying to use.

Another piece of Assisstive Technology that I came across on my placement was Clicker 5. Clicker 5 is a piece of software that is used in schools to allow students to read and write. Students can participate in class activities with Clicker 5 and present their writing to the rest of the class.

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